I get many requests from people looking for the youngest ferret they can find. Many have children, many are not experienced in living with ferrets, and many seem to think you need to get them young to get a good ferret.
The truth is, older ferrets are often the sweetest, most cuddly, and fun animals you could ask for. They might not play for 4 hours straight, but they definitely do play. They are less likely to wreak havoc than younger ferrets. Depending on the age you choose, some can’t climb anymore. Anyone who has owned ferrets can tell you that a ferret who stays on the floor is a luxury. Even if they still climb, they don’t normally jump quite as far, try to escape quite as single-mindedly and are often happy to be held and cuddled (something very hard to find in a young ferret).
Most ferrets slow down a little once they get to 5 years old. They seem to become more loving and less likely to bite. In fact, some ferrets who used to be very bad biters have turned into sweet things in their old age. Other ferrets who started out a little nippy become child-safe as they age.
Most of all, though, people who have taken in older ferrets have told me how rewarding it is. They might not live all that long, but the love they give more than makes up for the short time they are with you.