Bailey didn’t make it :(

I am very sorry to report that Bailey, the cute little guy with the heart block issue, died in his sleep this past Friday night. We are all very sad. We were doing so well with the fund raiser, and Dr. Wagner was trying to find him a suitable pacemaker, but poor Bailey just couldn’t wait.

For those who donated money towards his pacemaker, please let me know what you would like me to do with your money. I can refund it (minus PayPal fees) or apply it toward vet care for other ferrets. I do have a rather large number of ferrets who need adrenal treatment (Nicholas, Charley, Phred, Longbottom, and perhaps one or two others).

About Barb Carlson

I have owned ferrets since 1987 and have been running the shelter officially since 2002 (although I was doing it unofficially for a number of years before that). I'm also involved with the Three Rivers Ferret Council, and have given two talks on how to care for sick and post-surgical ferrets.
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