
One of the NLS* girls, Melody is playful, lively, likes to play with people, curious and healthy. She is also a bit nippy (she was accidentally trained to nip when she wanted to be put down) but getting better every day. She does not like other ferrets.

Melody has an estimated birth date of 03/10/2010, and is probably just over 2 years old. She has a somewhat sad story … she was found abandoned in a house when the owners moved. She was found with another ferret and both were turned into the Humane Society. The HS euthanized the other ferret (probably the only ferret Melody would get along with) because it had tumors. She nipped someone at the Humane Society, so they automatically called us. They do not adopt out nippy ferrets. Either we take them or they put them to sleep.

So we are Melody’s second chance … first she was left to starve to death, then she was spared from euthanasia. Hopefully someone can open their hearts to this feisty little girl and give her the love she needs to trust people again.

*Nippy Little S@#$

About Barb Carlson

I have owned ferrets since 1987 and have been running the shelter officially since 2002 (although I was doing it unofficially for a number of years before that). I'm also involved with the Three Rivers Ferret Council, and have given two talks on how to care for sick and post-surgical ferrets.
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