Some descriptions of who we have here.

Mercury is due to be spayed in 2 weeks. She’s a crazy ferret. Mercury SCREAMS at the cat. She really doesn’t like cats. She dooks constantly, plays for hours and can be nippy when excited.

Peekaboo got a Deslorelin implant and is busy growing his lovely hair back and has not (knock on wood) had any peeing problems. He’s not a young ferret, but he’s sweet and likes to play.

I also have Trixie, a marked white female with a slight nipping problem. She’s gotten much better since we separated her from other ferrets. She’d be a single. She’s young, lively and playful. With a little work, she should stop nipping. She hasn’t bitten me at all, and I think she’s been better with the volunteers over the last week or so.

I have a set of middle-aged ferrets (around 4) (Bear and Sydney) that someone was supposed to take and it sounds like they are backing out. I plan to get them both an implant and they’d be good for at least a year. They are both active and loving. Bear likes to be cuddled, Sydney likes to run around.

I have a lovely set of females named Sydney and Sasha (yes we have two Sydneys) who are around 4. Sasha might be 5, we’re not sure. Sasha was naked but she’s working on some fur since her implant, and her energy has really come up. They’re both really playful. Sydney likes to be cuddled. Sasha likes to be chased. I believe they are the ones who hide most of the toys.

I have another set named Balto and Demon. Pretty young, a little wild. Someone might be interested in them.

I still have Sydd and Simon and they’re still quite playful and very sweet.

I have a little light chocolate female named Cinnamon who was found wandering around outside. We’re pretty sure she’s no more than a year and she likes people, other ferrets, and I’m pretty sure is okay with the dog and the cat.

And then there is Pookie. She’s privately bred, spayed, albino, very good construction but she’s quite nippy. She doesn’t bite me anymore but when she bites, she makes you bleed. She’s sort of super-charged. This is something like her 5th home 🙁

Last but not least is Blizzard. He’s old, mostly blind, almost naked, fat, slow, has weak back legs, but that little guy loves to roll in the peanuts, on the little beds we have out, and generally has a perfectly fine time all by himself. We just got him an implant and we’re hoping he’ll get some fur so he looks more respectable.

The older ones have a low adoption fee.

About Barb Carlson

I have owned ferrets since 1987 and have been running the shelter officially since 2002 (although I was doing it unofficially for a number of years before that). I'm also involved with the Three Rivers Ferret Council, and have given two talks on how to care for sick and post-surgical ferrets.
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